Wandering Alpha Bear

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Communism Shall Reign (People’s Pie | iCivics)

So, I played this game for my Government class, this is the result I wrote, for fun about communism (aka the best form of Government) as a joke. Hope you like the bit of it.


On the start of my journey to a perfect socialist movement, I decided that I would tax everyone equally. Although I wanted high taxes, the people may have started a revolution, so I decided to ease my communism onto their shoulders with medium taxes. Same with the retirement age, see, I simply think that everyone should work hard until they turn 70 and can enjoy in the splendors of life. But, they may revolt, so I must simply lower it 5 years to give the veneer of normality to this change.

I must educate the citizens if I am going to make nuclear warheads nuclear power. Continue reading